Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Advertising in Adversity: What B2B Companies Need to Know

The Coronavirus has brought about unprecedented changes to the business and industrial landscape in Canada. Businesses have had to adapt to the new norms of social distancing, sanitization and hygiene. In these uncertain times, companies have had to change their operating procedures right from the foundation. Be it marketing, sales, advertising, operations, front or back-office, the entire organizational chain had to adapt to a work from home and socially distant infrastructure.

Company list

Advertisers must promptly adapt to the unforeseen changes in the overall economical environment. Right from buyer behaviour, channel preferences to advertising and marketing budgets, there has been a drastic change. How can Canadian companies adapt and how can a Toronto business directory like Scott’s Directories help?


There is no foolproof blueprint to advertising during COVID-19. Companies have had to improvise their strategies on the go. There is no pattern to purchasing behaviour during a pandemic, so they must pay close attention to their customer base and its current requirements. Using an Ontario business database like Scott’s Directories can help companies find their target audience and use that to alter their strategies so as to conform to the current market situation

Focus Your Efforts

Companies must focus on what will create an impact. In today’s world, consumers are price-conscious and hence companies must cater to that reality. They must focus on using effective practices and methods and concentrate on those areas and markets which gives them their strongest return on investment. A price-centric environment will respond to lower prices, discounts and promotions. Using a Toronto directory like Scott’s Directories can help find those areas and targets to focus on

Long Term Planning

While dealing with a crisis, it is important to not lose sight of the long-term. While the short-term requirements are paramount and may yield results, focusing on longer term brand building must also be at the forefront. Strategies and campaigns must cater to short-term requirements but also consider long-term planning. Using an Ontario business database can create a funnel for the short-term targets and help contact longer-term prospects.

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Friday, October 9, 2020

5 Important Tips to Build a Profitable Sales Pipeline

Whether you have a large company or a small business, determining how to improve your sales pipeline and grow your company is essential. Here are five tips to help make it happen.

1. Focus on the Right Audience
When generating leads that convert — which obviously provides more sales and revenue for your company — you must focus on your audience. A Canadian business list - from Scott’s Directories, can be an excellent resource to find companies and national distributors with specific demographics or qualities that you are targeting such as the company has been in business for a specific number of years, its volume size, annual sales revenue, etc.
2. The Customer is the Priority — Not the Data
While numbers are important, it is crucial that customers feel valued and appreciated if you want to retain them, upsell them, or receive referrals from them. Additionally, you must treat every customer like they are your best customer, even if they purchase something small. Even if you are selling to other businesses, it is vital that you focus on customer service and keep the company happy. One bad customer can lead to a handful of lost opportunities and sales.
3. You Focus on The Decision Makers
When trying to sell products and services to a company, it is imperative that you create marketing strategies and pitches that appeal to the decision makers of the company. To determine who these individuals are, you can use a Canadian business list - such as Scott’s Directories, to access detailed information about the executives and the company to create marketing strategies that appeal the company’s weakness, strengths, needs, etc.
To read more, visit original source