Sunday, December 29, 2019

Scott’s Directories – The Leading Sales And Marketing Solution

Not everyone has the heart for sales. Working as a B2B sales rep in any industry comes with challenges. So many factors beyond your control can affect your job and, as a result, your income. From a stagnant economy to changes in consumer buying habits, there are always uncertainties. For lead generation, however, one thing is always certain: you can trust Scott’s Directories and their Canadian business directory.

Scott’s Directories – The Leading Sales And Marketing Solution 
Every sales manager uses different tactics to motivate a sales and marketing team to improve results. Endless hours of training, subscribing to industry trade magazines, hosting sales presentations and inviting clients all have their place. A Canadian business directory subscription has a much more direct and immediate impact. When you subscribe to Scott’s Directories, you give your sales team access to a portal containing over 180,000 business profiles, along with the key contact information on over 330,000 people working in those companies. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

Scott's Database an Approach to Improve Lead Generation Process

It’s a funny thing about gold. You don’t see a lot of modern prospectors panning for gold in Lake Ontario. The reason for that is rather obvious: they know there isn’t any gold to be found panning the shoreline in Mississauga, Hamilton or St. Catharines. A better approach to prospecting is to first find out where there’s a chance of gold being found. Sales people mining for golden sales leads know the best approach to find them is to gain access to a platform rich with Canadian business directories.

Sales Prospecting Made Easy With Scott’s Directories
Seasoned sales reps have a skill that many green, inexperienced sales reps do not: they know how to generate sales leads. That’s critical when you earn your living as a B2B sales and marketing professional. Older reps have usually established a network of business contacts and life experiences that give them an instinctual advantage in hunting down new leads. For sales reps who’ve just entered the game, subscribing to a Canadian business database provider like Scott’s Directories helps level the playing field.

Why Directories Can Be Valuable To All Types Of Businesses

According to North American folklore, the west was won through the barrel of a gun. According to modern business pioneers, winning in the west today takes effective sales and marketing strategies to attract clients to your product or service, whether you conduct B2B, B2C, B2P, B2F, B2E, B2G or B2A marketing. One of the most effective ways to achieve the expected results is to load your chamber with high-calibre sales leads generated through use of a Western directory.

Online Directories Help All Types Of Business
A Western business directory like the one offered through a subscription to Scott’s Directories is an incredible tool regardless of the kind of company you hope to convert into a user of your product or service. When you’re targeting businesses in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta or British Columbia, a subscription that gives you unlimited access to a Western business database of literally thousands of Canadian companies helps you take aim with unparalleled precision. Building highly targeted sales presentations is infinitely easier when you have loaded up with research on the company you’re targeting by surfing through your Western directory. Every business looking to acquire new leads to convert into sales can benefit when you have a business database that contains information on manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors, financial institutions, construction contractors, associations and not-for-profit organizations, customs brokers, medical professionals, educational institutions and more. To paraphrase an old western claim, ‘there’s gold in them there databases!’

Monday, September 23, 2019

Up-to-date Database: A Key to Quality Sales Leads

According to recent available statistics, British Columbia delivers just over 13 percent of Canada’s GDP, trailing only Ontario and Alberta as an economic driver for the country. What does that mean to a company hoping to conduct B2B sales and marketing in the province? Clearly, it means opportunity – and one way to empower your sales teams to capitalize on that opportunity is to set them up with an online BC directory.

Generate Leads In BC And Increase Sales

The BC directories online available through Scott’s Directories present sales and marketing teams with an incredible opportunity to save time and effort while generating targeted business leads. Subscribing to the BC business directory is simply one of the most empowering tools you can give to a sales team targeting the large and lucrative British Columbia market. That database offers much more than a list of company names – although that is certainly an important feature of the service. The database includes BC manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors, transportation companies, medical professionals, contractors, accounting, legal and financial firms, libraries and more.

Contact Us:
Scott’s Directories

507 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 206,
Mississauga L5G 1H9, Canada,
Call On: 1-844-402-2076