Friday, August 27, 2021

How Customer Data Boosts Leads

Building and maintaining truly qualified leads is the lifeblood of most B2B businesses. After all, when you have a plethora of qualified leads at your disposal, it can be much easier to land sales, and build long-lasting business relationships. Yet still, the question that continues to plague so many sales and marketing teams is, just how to boost their lead numbers. Well, like everything, it can be a complicated question. However, one thing that is for sure, which is that good quality data can (when used correctly) build good quality leads. By using proven tactics, as well as a good quality Ontario doctor directory, your sales and marketing team will be boosting leads in no time!

How can good quality data translate into good quality leads? Well, some of the biggest and most important tactics for creating compelling and effective marketing outreach are built on good quality data. Let us first consider who your ideal buyer is when it comes to your products and services. Figure out who they are, what they can use your products for, what they want, where they are, etc. This can help your team create a target audience to reach out to. A clear picture of who uses your products and why, can help your sales and marketing team to understand who they are trying to find, how to pitch to them, and what kind of targeting they should do. However, this can only be done with good-quality data. To use this method successfully, it takes having access to good quality data and contact info. After all, if your doctor directory has out-of-date or inaccurate data, then it can skew your targeted messaging.

Beyond this, you may have multiple “types” of buyers who you could reach out to. This is great news! It means even more people could benefit from your product. However, in order to maintain truly targeted outreach, it can be good to use a tactic called “segmenting” in order to separate out the different categories of buyers. After all, you do not want to send people marketing outreach that does not resonate with them. It is better to “segment” your potential leads by the types of messaging and outreach they will be most likely to respond to. This also requires quite a bit of good quality data, which will ideally have much more information than basic contact info.

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Monday, August 9, 2021

The Changes in Digital Sales through 2020/2021


The landscape of digital sales is ever-evolving and changing, but especially so post 2020. The shift to virtual sales tactics of spring 2020 will likely have lasting effects on the way both B2B companies and B2B buyers, do business and interact with each other. Though many countries are experiencing shifts that are making in-person business strategies more of reality again, there is real evidence that a year and a half of digital commerce and virtual marketing strategies will have lingering effects. These lingering effects can mean that brushing up on digital marketing skills, and investing in helpful tools, such as an expansive business directory Ontario, can be helpful!

An interesting statistic that helps illustrate the changes in digital sales through 2020/2021? That only a surveyed 1 in 5 B2B buyers expressed a “hope” for more in-person exchanges in order to locate and assess suppliers. This may be surprising to some B2B companies. However, clearly, B2B buyers have adjusted in many ways to virtual commerce and marketing outreach,. This will likely be something that many B2B companies will want to capitalize on in order to get the word out about their product to their Ontario company directory.

However, this does not mean that sales and marketing outreach is any less important than ever! Far from it. B2B buyers still report favouring “direct interactions” with B2B companies when it comes to marketing techniques. What this means is that sales is still an important part of B2B strategies, with a specific emphasis on the importance of digital sales. Empowering your sales and marketing team to do their best when it comes to digital sales outreach, such as digital events and promotions, can pay dividends. Helping your sales and marketing team to succeed in the digital realm can mean providing investments in instructional material related to digital sales. However, it can also mean investing in great digital tools like Scott’s Directories Ontario business directory.

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