Wednesday, December 8, 2021

8 Things to Avoid Doing During Sales Calls


Sales calls are an interesting thing. Though it may seem like sales calls should flow naturally and easily, they can be pretty difficult for many (perhaps even most) people. It can often feel like you are trying fruitlessly to make a great first impression in a short period of time, which can be stressful! When it comes to sales calls, it can be incredibly helpful to re-evaluate your methods every so often and check-in to see what is working for you. Even more importantly, it is important to check in to see what is not working so well for you and your Alberta directory. These 8 tips on mistakes to avoid during sales calls can be a great place to start with that re-evaluation!

The first tip, when it comes to wowing the potential clients on your Alberta business directory, is to be fully present. The best calls will come from a place of presence of mind and forethought, so it can be helpful to do your best to focus on getting your points across clearly, as well as paying close attention to what your potential client has to say.

Secondly, and relatedly, being a good listener is an important part of doing well on sales calls as well! Though it is important to have a great sales pitch, you do not necessarily want to be the person who does all of the talking. After all, potential clients may have something they need further clarification on, and it will impress them much more if you are able to be an active listener.

Thirdly, when looking to connect with your list of companies in Alberta, don’t be afraid to allow the conversation to flow naturally! It doesn’t need to be 100% all business all the time! Conversational niceties, and generally being warm and friendly go a long way!

Our fourth tip is all about timing. That is to say, being respectful about other people’s timelines. It is only naturally for you to want to close a sale or move on to next steps in the buying process. However, coming out of the gate way too strong by hurrying your client can potentially be off putting! The best bet is to be sparing but deliberate with your follow up techniques which can elevate the entire experience for a potential client.

for more read  8 Things to Avoid Doing During Sales Calls