Wednesday, December 8, 2021

8 Things to Avoid Doing During Sales Calls


Sales calls are an interesting thing. Though it may seem like sales calls should flow naturally and easily, they can be pretty difficult for many (perhaps even most) people. It can often feel like you are trying fruitlessly to make a great first impression in a short period of time, which can be stressful! When it comes to sales calls, it can be incredibly helpful to re-evaluate your methods every so often and check-in to see what is working for you. Even more importantly, it is important to check in to see what is not working so well for you and your Alberta directory. These 8 tips on mistakes to avoid during sales calls can be a great place to start with that re-evaluation!

The first tip, when it comes to wowing the potential clients on your Alberta business directory, is to be fully present. The best calls will come from a place of presence of mind and forethought, so it can be helpful to do your best to focus on getting your points across clearly, as well as paying close attention to what your potential client has to say.

Secondly, and relatedly, being a good listener is an important part of doing well on sales calls as well! Though it is important to have a great sales pitch, you do not necessarily want to be the person who does all of the talking. After all, potential clients may have something they need further clarification on, and it will impress them much more if you are able to be an active listener.

Thirdly, when looking to connect with your list of companies in Alberta, don’t be afraid to allow the conversation to flow naturally! It doesn’t need to be 100% all business all the time! Conversational niceties, and generally being warm and friendly go a long way!

Our fourth tip is all about timing. That is to say, being respectful about other people’s timelines. It is only naturally for you to want to close a sale or move on to next steps in the buying process. However, coming out of the gate way too strong by hurrying your client can potentially be off putting! The best bet is to be sparing but deliberate with your follow up techniques which can elevate the entire experience for a potential client.

for more read  8 Things to Avoid Doing During Sales Calls

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Sustainable B2B Prospecting Tools


B2B prospecting tools have the potential to be a true secret weapon in your sales and marketing arsenal. The smart use of tools can make the sales and marketing processes easier, more effective, and overall, more efficient. But it is helpful to know a bit about them, and how tools like a great quality Western directory can help your business.

Firstly, it can be helpful to talk about how and why B2B prospecting tools work. B2B prospecting tools are helpful in getting B2B sales and marketing teams over the potential speed bump of making a great first impression. They do this by providing sales and marketing teams with the data and background info that is so often necessary to craft truly targeted and effective sales pitches. By going into sales pitches with potential new clients already knowing things like company size or industry codes, it is much easier to successfully impress new customers with personalized and well-made outreach. It also helps sales and marketing teams to get a better sense of which potential leads on their western business databases are the most promising, which can save time and money.

Even better than B2B prospecting tools as a whole? Investing in a B2B prospecting tool that is truly sustainable in the long term. What is sustainable B2B prospecting? Simply put, sustainable B2B prospecting is all about maintaining consistently good results, even throughout a goal to grow. Sustainable B2B prospecting tools will continue to be useful to your team for a good long time, and will help to yield fairly consistent results, as well as some growth in the long run.

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Friday, October 22, 2021

Developing a B2B Strategy for Manufacturers


When it comes to B2B sales and marketing, it is all about developing great strategies to help create an optimal payoff. When you get to know what works, it can save time and resources when creating future strategies. For manufacturing companies in the B2B business, there are a few useful tips to keep in mind when looking to engage Ontario manufacturing companies,

A tried-and-true B2B strategy, is understanding who your product is best fit to serve. Understanding who is most likely to buy your products, and who will get the best benefits from using your product, can help your team understand who they are really selling to. This can be incredibly beneficial when looking to create strategies to sell to manufacturing companies Ontario. When you understand who tends to buy your products, and why, you can start to gain important and helpful market insight to base your sales strategies on. When you know who tends to buy your product, then you know what to look for when finding new manufacturing companies in Canada to contact. However, your team will also have a better understanding of how to successfully sell to prospective buyers.

It is also incredibly important for your team to be able to play the long game. In B2B sales, this means being able to prioritize long term relationships with leads rather than immediate one off sales. Of course, sales are an important goal! However, immediate sales are not all that there is. When your sales and marketing team craft strategies that are meant to build long lasting business relationships, greater amounts of sales can be made over time, it can be good press for your product to have long term devoted customers, and you will have gained a great quality business relationship. So, when reaching out to manufacturing companies in Canada, don’t forget to focus on the long game as well as making a more immediate sale.

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Thursday, September 9, 2021

What to be prepared for When Selling to Dentists

The dental field can be a great opportunity for many B2B businesses, as dentistry requires many different types of supplies, PPE, tools, and so on. This means that there can be a wide variety of opportunities for B2B businesses in every field from medical supplies, to even furniture for waiting rooms! However, selling to dentists requires certain knowledge and preparation to go over well. When looking to sell your B2B goods to those who work in the dental field, it is always helpful to know what you are getting into! In order to help maximize success, and help foster good business relationships, keep these tips in mind before you reach out to your dentist directory!

One of the most important things to keep in mind for those who are looking to reach out to their list of dentists in Calgary is how important good quality prep work will be. Generally, dentists (especially emergency dentists) are going to want to know quite a bit about your product before making a buyers decision. Specifics, stats, and general workability will be important to cover, and there will likely be follow up questions as well! Something that could really make or break your sales pitch, will be how well your team can convey expertise about your product. They should be prepared to answer detailed questions about how your product works and why it is helpful at a level of detail that can help your prospective buyers feel confident in their decision to purchase. However, probably the most important part of your team’s sales pitch, will be their ability to convey to your dentist database that your B2B product is markedly different (in a positive way) from other similar products.

Another key tip? Sales is important, especially for closing a deal. However, marketing is equally important, especially when it comes to getting word out there about how great your product is! Making a great first impression can go a long way! After all, it is hard to give a great sales pitch to somebody who doesn’t even know that you or your product exist! This is where lead generation services, like the ones we offer at Scott’s Directories, can come in handy!

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Friday, August 27, 2021

How Customer Data Boosts Leads

Building and maintaining truly qualified leads is the lifeblood of most B2B businesses. After all, when you have a plethora of qualified leads at your disposal, it can be much easier to land sales, and build long-lasting business relationships. Yet still, the question that continues to plague so many sales and marketing teams is, just how to boost their lead numbers. Well, like everything, it can be a complicated question. However, one thing that is for sure, which is that good quality data can (when used correctly) build good quality leads. By using proven tactics, as well as a good quality Ontario doctor directory, your sales and marketing team will be boosting leads in no time!

How can good quality data translate into good quality leads? Well, some of the biggest and most important tactics for creating compelling and effective marketing outreach are built on good quality data. Let us first consider who your ideal buyer is when it comes to your products and services. Figure out who they are, what they can use your products for, what they want, where they are, etc. This can help your team create a target audience to reach out to. A clear picture of who uses your products and why, can help your sales and marketing team to understand who they are trying to find, how to pitch to them, and what kind of targeting they should do. However, this can only be done with good-quality data. To use this method successfully, it takes having access to good quality data and contact info. After all, if your doctor directory has out-of-date or inaccurate data, then it can skew your targeted messaging.

Beyond this, you may have multiple “types” of buyers who you could reach out to. This is great news! It means even more people could benefit from your product. However, in order to maintain truly targeted outreach, it can be good to use a tactic called “segmenting” in order to separate out the different categories of buyers. After all, you do not want to send people marketing outreach that does not resonate with them. It is better to “segment” your potential leads by the types of messaging and outreach they will be most likely to respond to. This also requires quite a bit of good quality data, which will ideally have much more information than basic contact info.

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Monday, August 9, 2021

The Changes in Digital Sales through 2020/2021


The landscape of digital sales is ever-evolving and changing, but especially so post 2020. The shift to virtual sales tactics of spring 2020 will likely have lasting effects on the way both B2B companies and B2B buyers, do business and interact with each other. Though many countries are experiencing shifts that are making in-person business strategies more of reality again, there is real evidence that a year and a half of digital commerce and virtual marketing strategies will have lingering effects. These lingering effects can mean that brushing up on digital marketing skills, and investing in helpful tools, such as an expansive business directory Ontario, can be helpful!

An interesting statistic that helps illustrate the changes in digital sales through 2020/2021? That only a surveyed 1 in 5 B2B buyers expressed a “hope” for more in-person exchanges in order to locate and assess suppliers. This may be surprising to some B2B companies. However, clearly, B2B buyers have adjusted in many ways to virtual commerce and marketing outreach,. This will likely be something that many B2B companies will want to capitalize on in order to get the word out about their product to their Ontario company directory.

However, this does not mean that sales and marketing outreach is any less important than ever! Far from it. B2B buyers still report favouring “direct interactions” with B2B companies when it comes to marketing techniques. What this means is that sales is still an important part of B2B strategies, with a specific emphasis on the importance of digital sales. Empowering your sales and marketing team to do their best when it comes to digital sales outreach, such as digital events and promotions, can pay dividends. Helping your sales and marketing team to succeed in the digital realm can mean providing investments in instructional material related to digital sales. However, it can also mean investing in great digital tools like Scott’s Directories Ontario business directory.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

How Big Data Helps Businesses


“Big data” can be an incredibly expansive sounding term, referring to the wealth of accessible information that grows each day. However, big data is not just about information, it is also about the mechanisms for how this information can be sorted and used. Information is, after all, one of the most valuable resources available to companies today. Having access to reliable and good quality information, like that of the Scott’s Directories New Brunswick business directory, can be incredibly helpful.

Traditionally, big data that will be used in order to further marketing insight is often thought of as being solely about prior purchase information, data gleaned from social media, and insight gained through analyzing how potential customers navigate a website. This sort of information is often used to help companies understand how clients interact with their website and their purchasing habits. All of which can be used to better understand what customers may want to buy in the future. Social media often plays a role in this too, with many people using social media to record and express their market insight and preferences. It can be a rich source of information for companies wanting to learn more about consumer needs and preferences.

However, big data is not all about figuring out what potential clients may want to purchase, it can also help with reaching said, potential clients. With Scott’s Directories Nova Scotia business directory, you and your team will have access to the contact info of over 40,000 companies. These companies represent a wide range of sectors, covering everything from wholesalers to transportation firms. Our detailed company profiles on our Nova Scotia business names database are always accurate and up to date, so that your team can reap the benefits of having access to data that is always current.

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Monday, July 12, 2021

Users Sell to Private School Staff With Scott’s Directories

You might not be finding the teachers that fit your strategy, but with the directory from Scott’s Directories, you can find affluent teachers who have more money to spend. With an updated list of private schools in Toronto, it is easy to find potential customers who will bring your company the most money.

Choosing The Right Database

Many databases do not get updated very often. However, the world of teaching is changing constantly. As older teachers retire and newer ones take their place, the entries in many lists of private schools in Ontario can become outdated. Luckily, you can find providers of this information who make sure to keep it updated consistently.

It is a good idea to look for a directory that gives you the executive contact information so that you can eliminate any uncertainty. By doing so, you can facilitate the process of finding leads, which can ultimately help your business to save money.

That way, you can contact, pick, and sort the resources from a range of important contacts from private schools in the area. Make sure you pick a provider that offers a high level of customer service and takes pride in the quality of their data.

Expanding Your Network

It is not hard to bring your marketing and sales efforts to the next level. Finding a private schools directory in Canada lets you access information on many universities and schools. For example, with Scott’s Directories, you can look at information from more than 17,000 different universities and schools.

Since there is information on multiple important contacts, you can view details on around 50,000 of them. That includes maintenance managers, trustees, principals, librarians, and counselors. That way, you can determine who you should direct your sales pitch to so that you can make a sale. For example, it is easy to look at the information on teachers so that you can find the ones who are the most likely to have disposable income and be willing to purchase your service or product. 

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Tips for Selling to Canadian School Systems


Selling to the school market is just a bit different than selling in any other market. This is true because of a variety of factors. Firstly, the academic year that schools are structured by will not generally mesh exactly with the structuring of the year in more traditional business sectors. There are also different sets of rules and cultures around buying and upgrading tools and technology in schools. There a variety of people who will need to sign off on each decision, and there can be what seems to be very complex systems put in place to decide what will be worth the investment, and what will not be. However, the school industry does not need to be as opaque as it sometimes seems. Here are a few tips to help you to reach out to your school database in a way that understands the culture and systems of the educational market.

Firstly, it is helpful to know about the differing budgets allotted for different types of educational technology. This is a big part of pricing your technology in a way that gives you a good chance to land a sale, and can also help companies better understand the nature of the educational market.

Educational tools are not all valued the same within the school system and will have different budgets allotted to them based on their ultimate educational function. The more “core” to the educational system or operations a tool will be, the more schools will be willing to pay for it. Whereas tools deemed as being meant to help with “extracurriculars”, will be allotted a much smaller budget to contend with. This means that a tool that helps with something as core to education as assessment could be priced anywhere from thirty to fifty dollars per student. Whereas a tool for educational games would be best priced somewhere in the range of one to five dollars per student. Knowing this can really help your business adjust to the budgetary concerns and expectations of the school database.

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Monday, May 17, 2021

Targeting New Millennial B2B Buyers


The face of the B2B marketplace is always shifting and changing in a myriad of ways. As with almost all industries, it is important for B2B companies to be able to adapt and evolve along with their clientele. One such big change currently affecting all levels of the B2B market? The rise of millennials in the workplace. Millennials, generally defined as those born between 1980 and 1996, are becoming more prevalent decision-makers, and are saturating the workplace at higher numbers than ever. In fact, it is estimated that millennials will make up a whopping 75% of the B2B market by the year 2024! Millennials are characterized by certain buyer habits and decision-making preferences, but this is no cause for alarm. By tweaking market outreach methods a bit, and investing in good tools like a Canada company directory, companies can easily adapt to the changing B2B market.

The first thing to know about impressing Millennial decision-makers is the importance of having a good quality digital presence. Most Millennials were raised with the internet and often turn to digital research prior to making a final buyer's decision. This can be different than other generations prior, who may have preferred to learn about a product or service firsthand from suppliers. Most Millennial buyers will generally focus on doing their own fact-finding about your product based on your digital presence. In fact, an estimated 57% of the “purchase process” will be done by most Millennial buyers before they even reach out to your team.

Of course, brushing up on your digital presence is not the only important thing, it is also important to have the right resources. A good quality Canada company list can improve the information that your team builds marketing strategies and outreach on. After all, good quality outreach can only be achieved when it is built with good quality (and accurate) information. And good quality outreach is key with the Millennial generation. A survey of Millennial buyer habits reported that they prized, among other things, “trust, compatibility, and connectedness” when interacting with salespeople. Part of building this important feeling of “compatibility and connectedness” can lie in providing Millennial buyers with truly targeted and personalized outreach.

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Friday, April 23, 2021

Why Pharmacies are a Great B2B Target

The modern-day pharmacy is ever-growing and changing to adapt to what their customers most need. Pharmacies nowadays serve an array of functions. Everything from buying beauty and personal care products, to picking up prescriptions, to receiving vaccinations, can be done at your local pharmacy now. With this in mind, pharmacies can provide a rich market for many B2B companies. And with Scott’s Directories list of pharmacies, it has never been easier to forge great business relationships within the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmacies are increasingly becoming a one-stop-shop for many consumer needs. Pharmacists are working long hours, and increase spending their time on pharmaceutical duties that go beyond solely filling prescriptions. Because so much is shifting and being done in the average pharmacy, B2B companies have many avenues where they can be of value to pharmacies. One such avenue, is anything that can increase safety and productivity, while decreasing the number of time pharmacists need to spend on their tasks. It is vital that prescriptions be filled accurately, and this can become difficult to do in a timely manner at high volumes. B2B companies that can offer their list of Canadian pharmacies help in this department, have the potential to add great value to pharmacies and their clients. For example, companies can help design pharmaceutical packaging that makes information like dosing clearer.

It is also key to understand the importance of networking and the power of word of mouth within the educational market. A huge factor in breaking into the educational market is establishing a good reputation within the higher education marketplace network. This is where a tool like Scott’s Directories Canadian university list, can really come in handy. Decision-makers within the higher education marketplace will often be swayed most by the recommendations of not only those within their institution but also of their peers in other institutions. Of course, establishing a good reputation can seem difficult, because it involves first breaking into a marketplace in order to establish a said reputation.

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Friday, March 19, 2021

Driving B2B Market Leads

As most people in the B2B market probably already know, leads are the lifeblood of successful B2B business strategies. Everything from generating new leads, to forming new business connections, can really help elevate your B2B marketing strategies. However, the struggle is making sure that your ability to drive B2B market leads is always top-notch. There is no need to worry though because we have some tips to guide you through upgrading your lead generating ability.

Firstly, let’s talk about outbound lead generation. Outbound lead generation can be a great way to get your name out there to potential new customers. However, you always want to make sure that you are sending outbound messaging that is going to connect with potential new customers, not annoy or bore them! The key to this? Lead generation data. Getting access to good quality business data will help you make sure that you are able to send a well-tailored message when outbound lead generating. A Subscription to Scott’s Directories Canadian lead generation database will afford you over 580,000 business profiles and over 1.2 million contacts of key business decision-makers. Not only this, there are over 35 filtering options, so that you can search and “segment” your potential new leads by messaging needs correctly. With always accurate and up-to-date information, we do the vetting for you. So that you can worry about crafting the best message you can for outbound lead generation, rather than spending time stressing about using potentially outdated information and contact addresses.

As for inbound lead generation, lead generation companies Canada like Scott’s Directories has your back there too. Inbound lead generation is all about getting qualified leads. Scott’s Digital Marketing Division, powdered by MacRAE’S, pulls from MacRAE’S 20 years of expert business to business marketing experience to help you get the most qualified leads that you can. Something that can be key to successful inbound marketing, is utilizing SEO. SEO, short for search engine optimization, is a strategy that can help get your B2B business on the map. Search engine optimization helps you generate more, and better qualified, inbound leads by helping to ensure that your content is more likely to come up on search engines. Proper usage of search engine optimization will help bring more traffic to your website, where you can then wow new leads with your great website and materials.

As with so many parts of B2B business, it’s all about making sure that you are getting your name out there, so that you can make the best first impression possible. Scott’s Digital marketing can help you with that. We will expertly use search engine optimization, as well as search engine marketing, to help get you the most qualified inbound leads possible. Whether you are looking to use good quality lead generation data to craft expert outbound lead generation or looking to use SEO and SEM to generate inbound leads, Scott’s Directories has you covered.

Monday, February 22, 2021

How B2B Sales are Changing in 2021-And How to Take Advantage


The face of the B2B sales market looks different now than it used to. There was once a time when the B2B sales market was largely led by the salesperson and was a bit more simplistic than it is now. However in 2021, the buyer has much more information at their fingertips, and they also tend to deliberate more during the buying process. In this highly digital age, that is so flooded with options and information, cold calls simply aren’t the only strategy anymore.

However, this does not have bad news! You and your company can absolutely keep up with the way B2B business sales are changing if you utilize the right strategies and tools. Learning how to use these tools, like a quality BC business directory, can really help modernize your marketing approach. B2B buyers these days tend to be choosier. In one study, a reported 59% of buyers chose to digitally research their options before speaking to someone in sales. They also tend to be more risk-averse when it comes to deciding to buy, and are warier of making a mistake. Utilizing techniques like social selling, and making sure that you have a good and informative online presence can help these with issues. Something that can so often be glossed over though, is the importance of having qualified leads. Some studies estimate that a shocking 10% of company revenue can be lost annually simply from a misunderstanding between sales and marketing teams. A huge part of this is that miscommunications between your sales and marketing teams can lead to a huge amount of unqualified leads. This is a big deal because a full 68% of buyers stated a preference for marketers who put a focus on the importance of telling them relevant information. Nobody wants to hear a sales pitch for something that makes no sense for them, and doing so could lead to them having negative feelings about your brand in the future.

This is why using a BC directory online can be incredibly advantageous to selling in 2021. When using a quality British Columbia business directory like Scott’s Directories, your sales and marketing team don’t need to worry about misunderstandings arising from bad leads, or wrong information. Scott’s Directories BC business directory covers all of the information you need to know so that your sales and marketing team can be properly prepared with relevant information when reaching out to a contact. No more will you have to worry about losing sales and revenue to unqualified leads or cold calls. A subscription to Scott’s Directories will allow your team 24/7 access to all of the up-to-date and pertinent information on local BC businesses in a variety of sectors, ranging from real estate to wholesalers. We go beyond the basic contact info and provide industry codes, executive listings, estimated sales revenue, and more. Empower your team to make more qualified leads, and to be better prepared with relevant and helpful information when reaching out to those leads, with Scott’s Directories.

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Friday, January 8, 2021

How 2020 Has Changed B2B Sales

It is fair to say that 2020 has brought about a significant shift in many things, business models included. But how has it changed B2B sales specifically? Well, it seems that all signs point to the importance of at least some digitization of the B2B process going forward into the new decade. A mixture of more traditional sales strategies mixed with a growing interest in B2B buyers for digital marketing has become the norm for B2B sales. You may be aware that a 2015 article gained a lot of traction in the B2B sales community for its fairly alarming headline that read “Death of a B2B Salesman”. The article predicted, among other things, that by 2020 B2B salesmen would be largely obsolete. Their reasoning seemed to be that, by 2020, increasing digitization would have largely erased the need for B2B salesmen. The question is, how accurate was this prediction? As is so often the case, the truth is more nuanced. B2B Salesmen have certainly not been rendered obsolete, but digitization has become an increasingly important tool in B2B sales. The first level of engagement for B2B marketing in 2020 so often takes place in the digital space. Knowing how to optimize “digital dialogue” will likely be increasingly important for your B2B sales team going forward. Canadian directory you are looking to give your B2B sales team one of the best digital sales tools, consider investing in a Canada business directory

Digitization is not about replacing a sales team, it is about helping that sales team do even better than ever before. A lot of the work that goes into preliminary fact-finding ventures for your B2B sales tactics can be truly improved by going the digital route. By providing your sales team with a Canada company list, you can really speed up the B2B sales process and can expect even greater success in your sales efforts. Cold calling unqualified leads, and going into sales situations without up-to-date information helps nobody.

A subscription to Scott’s Directories Canadian business directory will help you team reap all of the benefits of this newer and more digital age. Instead of chasing down potentially wrong contact information, they can rest assured that the over 580,000 detailed B2B company databases will be completely accurate. Incorporating great digital tools is the way of the future, and Scott’s Directories is known as the best single source for helping you make more meaningful connections with the right professionals for your business. Our Canada business directory will stay available to your sales team 24/7 and offers information on Canadian businesses in everything from wholesalers to healthcare. The future of B2B businesses is certainly trending towards smart uses of digital B2B sales tools, but this doesn’t have to be a scary thing. Tools like business directories can really improve the efforts of your sales team, and take your marketing strategies to the next level.

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